Having an intentional morning routine while your children are awake is possible.
I love the idea of getting up as the sun rises and before the children but that isn’t a reality for many mamas. When in the season of life of very young children, it can feel impossible to have the energy to get up and have some time to yourself. So if you find yourself in the camp of needing to prioritize a little more rest vs getting things done that help you feel ready for the day, then I’m here to tell you don’t have to choose. I’m sharing with you 5 tips to create an intentional morning routine without having to wake up before your children.
But first, if you’re new here, hi! I’m Cynthia. I’m a 1st time SAHM of a sweet 12 month old girl. I share my journey through motherhood and help others create a home life they love. By the end of this post you will hopefully feel encouraged to embrace the season of life you’re in and find ways to be intentional with your mornings so you can take care of your babies!
Reasons why waking up early may not be in the cards.
- Baby/toddler wakes frequently through the night.
- Co-sleeping makes it challenging to get up without waking baby/ toddler.
- Toddler wakes up at the butt crack of dawn.
- Your schedule doesn’t allow for you to go to bed early enough.
- Other personal circumstances.
I’m currently struggling with number 2. My point is that it is okay if you need to prioritize rest over the perfect intentional morning routine. Although I think it is important to fill your cup as a mom each morning we can try to find different ways to achieve that. This phase will pass and you will soon miss the days of broken sleep because they also came with so many more beautiful things.
Decide what is a nonnegotiable for YOUR intentional morning routine.
The idea here is to sprinkle in your nonnegotiable’s between your duties as a mom. So decide what do you need to get accomplished to feel like you’ve also filled your cup each morning. Remember an intentional morning routine is simply whatever is necessary for you to feel you’ve started the day on the right foot. I feel best when I’ve done the following:
- Get myself dressed
- Do one household task (unload dishwasher or start a load of laundry)
- Read my devotional and/or Bible
- Have a cup of coffee
- Move my body
- Get outdoors
Your nonnegotiables may look similar or very different to feel good about the start of your day but deciding that will help you figure out how to fit it in. Later on I will show you how my morning flows with a very energetic toddler. (Gosh a toddler, where did the time go!)
Ways to have an intentional morning routine WITH your children.
1. Prep the Night Before
Knowing that you will likely be greeted by the sweetest face, it is crucial to get as many things prepped as you can the night before. Lay out your clothes, grind coffee beans, pick out a Youtube workout video (for the overachievers 😝) plan out the next day etc. Anything to combat decision fatigue will set you up for success.
2. Have Morning Snacks at the Ready
This one is such a game changer when you just need a moment to get yourself together. My daughter is 12 months old and sometimes she wakes up roaring and ready to eat. I usually have homemade apple oat bars or a simple banana with her cup of milk on hand; with a little something to munch on she is a happy girl in her high chair. This gives me a moment to make my coffee, start on breakfast (Pro status if you make ahead breakfasts that can be quickly prepped too) and get my mother’s morning basket out. If you want to know how to create your own mother’s morning basket to set a beautiful tone to your day, I’ll link it here.
3. Utilize Nap Time
This one is probably a no brainer but if you’re not able to wake up before your babies right now then nap times are a great time to still give yourself a moment to fill your cup. You may not be able to get all your nonnegotiables done before 8am and that’s okay. Get whatever you couldn’t do while your little is awake done during the nap. For example, as cute as she is clinging to my legs or crawling under my torso when I’m doing pilates in my living room, it doesn’t lead to the most effective workout. So I like to leave that one for when she is resting.
4. Create a play invitation
This one sounds very fancy but really its just giving your babies some practice in independent play with an open ended toy they already have or just giving them free reign. It is a new day with more exploration to do so I like to encourage her to do what she naturally does, explore.
When we first wake up, I am most definitely groggy. I take her out of her sleep sack and give her free reign of the bedroom. She almost always grabs the travel sound machine to play with and just bounces around the room trying to grab anything within reach. Sometimes when I remember to prep the night before I place a basket of jumbo legos in the corner for her to play with while I get myself dressed and brush my teeth. Downstairs I’ve almost always left one or two open ended toy out on the living room floor for her to discover.
5. Get Outside
If all else fails, get outside. I can’t being to describe what a massive effect getting fresh air does to the human spirit, mine and hers! If it’s a particularly rough morning I say try to do as many of your intentional morning routine outdoors. Read outside. Drink your coffee outside. Eat a banana outside. Take a walk. It can help keep the calm. Trust me when in doubt, get out(side 😬).
My intentional morning routine with a toddler in tow
I may just be nosey but I love seeing other people’s morning routines. As a new SAHM I often trying to see what people do all day with their children and what systems they use to get things done. So here is what a typical morning looks like for me and A.
This has been our rhythm for the last couple months and has worked great so far. I am able to complete my non negotiables all while also making sure her needs are met. Of course you will want to adjust to your own personal needs, but it can be very helpful to see how someone else organizes their morning. Our mornings are by no means perfect, but having a routine in place helps your child know what to expect.
Remember you get to set the tone of your household mama. If your mornings are chaotic then try to implement some of these tips to create a more intentional morning routine with your children. Happy mom = more present and patient mom. Let me know how it goes!